About Karen

I have always been the joyful one. I’m a picnic making, sunshine chasing, go getter – almost to the point of Pollyanna – except for the “life is serious business” side. It’s a balancing act. I occasionally indulge in poor habits that leaves me less than energetic. My spiritual, physical, and mental health are sometimes in a competition to see which area gets the most attention. I can always say, even on my worst days: I try to use every tool and resource at my disposal to find a balance between spirit, mind, and body.

Until Then

Through early menopause, I double stepped to keep up with the demands of teaching, community work, and family. Frankly, it was a busy 2 decades where I either pushed or faked it. Fighting fatigue, hepatic encephalopathy, and malnourishment left me with no reserve of strength. I was vulnerable, ignorant of the silent disease poisoning my body and brain during the last 2 years before my liver failed.

I was plunged into a health journey like nothing I had ever seen or experienced. Grateful to be alive and scrambling for medical treatment took up every ounce of energy. Thankfully, there was an emergency store of Grace that carried me through the next several years.

But Now

Courage is an attitude of the heart. Boy, my heart was full of good Words and spiritual fortitude. I was blessed to be surrounded by a supportive tribe who constantly reminded me of all the promise that life can hold. I started a website. It grew and grew – then the awards, speaking, advocacy, and outreach opportunities came rolling in. Soon more health struggles lead to continued growth and personal development.

“That which stands in the way, becomes the way.” Marcus Aurelius 

A Life Defined

I continue to find a way of defining life despite the obstacles in my path. Actually, the obstacles themselves give me a new way of staking out a fulfilling future.

When I can’t find comfort, I choose courage.

Illness and misfortune have opened mind blowing doors for me. The journey has led me to the most authentically sincere insider group on the planet. Daily, I’m surrounded by people who face discomfort with certainty and persistence.

Today (as in, right now, in this moment)

I am devoted to my own well being.

I care about people.

I  write on my website to help those with liver disease.

I keep up with facebook and get a kick out of sharing things that unite and strengthen us with open hearted laughter, love, and life.

And…….. I’m working on another book.

And…. I continue recording videos and now, audios in my Serene Space out on Lake Keystone.

I am a lover, and a Scrub Oak hugging, berry picking, sunrise and sunset watcher from Oklahoma. This little site is intended to be my legacy to my family and friends.

Every day is a gift from God and my transplant donor family. I hope to use a little of what I’ve learned to encourage, challenge, and help people live their best lives.